Check out the 2022 Race Around the Rock video. It was a great event and there was a good turnout from OARCA. Here’s hoping we can get even more coastal rowers out for the event this August 27th.
Race Around the Rock Video
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Work has begun on the Tulista compound
Marla Weston, , Uncategorized, 0
The coastal rowing compound at the site of the 2018 World Rowing Coastal Championships in Sidney, BC has begun....
Tulista Compound Update
Marla Weston, , Uncategorized, 0
The posts are up and the fence and gate should arrive next week. Exciting! A celebration row is already...
Ice rowing
Marla Weston, , Uncategorized, 0
A couple of our intrepid OARCA members decided to try ice rowing, actually “canot à glace” (, in Quebec...
OARCA’s Story
Marla Weston, , Uncategorized, 0
The January 2025 Newsletter from Rowing BC highlighted OARCA and its development from a Special Association put together to...
Tulista Update – Racks & Lock
Marla Weston, , Uncategorized, 0
Julien has been hard at work and the boat racks are now in place. The compound has a lock...
Program update
Marla Weston, , Coastal Rowing, 0
Cold weather? Not a problem for coastal rowers. You just need to dress for it. If you have some...
Self Rescue Practice
Janice Mason, , Uncategorized, Safety, 0
Despite the blue-green algae bloom in one corner of the lake, Ian & Janice ventured out to Elk Lake...
Out for a row
Marla Weston, , Coastal Rowing, 0
The last day of our Learn to Row and Novice sessions for October. We started out in the sunshine...