Marla Weston, June 6, 2023June 6, 2023, Uncategorized, 0 We had a lot of fun with the local school kids on Friday and then an open day on Sunday. Visit our National Come Try Day page to read about the event and there is a link to some photos at the bottom of the page.
+ OARCA is now a rowing club! Marla Weston, April 14, 2023April 14, 2023, Uncategorized, 0 We just got the exciting news that the Rowing Canada Aviron Board has granted our request to change our...
+ Ice rowing Marla Weston, January 25, 2024January 25, 2024, Uncategorized, 0 A couple of our intrepid OARCA members decided to try ice rowing, actually “canot à glace” (, in Quebec...
Cadborosaurus Marla Weston, April 24, 2023April 24, 2023, Uncategorized, 0 Stay tuned. The results of the Cadborosaurus Coastal regatta will be posted here soon.
The WRCC 2021 endurance event Marla Weston, September 30, 2021September 30, 2021, Uncategorized, 0 The Beach Sprints are over and now it is time for the long course, endurance event. We have 3...
+ Read about OARCA in Seaside Magazine Marla Weston, September 28, 2024September 28, 2024, Uncategorized, 0 A very nice article about learning to row with OARCA. Check it out at the following link: Steph’s Day...
+ Learning to row Marla Weston, July 7, 2024July 7, 2024, Uncategorized, 0 The conditions couldn’t have been better for OARCA’s first “Learn to Row” session. Four, brand new rowers with one...
+ COME TRY ROWING for GIRLS AND WOMEN Marla Weston, June 1, 2024June 1, 2024, Uncategorized, 0 When: June 7th 4-7PM Where: OARCA Rowing compound and the beach by Tulista Boat Ramp parking area (in Sidney,B.C. ) –...
Rowing Canada Conference Marla Weston, January 20, 2022January 20, 2022, Uncategorized, 0 The 2022 Rowing Canada Aviron conference is now virtual and is free to all current RCA members. There is...