Before setting off on any rowing trip, it is important to know the Transport Canada requirements and ensure you have at least the minimum required safety equipment. The links below are provided to help you. Since regulations can change, always confirm before setting out.
- Transport Canada’s “Safe Boating Guide” is a good place to start. Check the table on page 16 for a list of required safety equipment for rowing shells.
- For more detailed information, see the Small Vessel Regulations. Specifically have a look at “SUBPART 2 Human-Powered Pleasure Craft” as well as “SUBPART 5 Exceptions for Human-Powered Pleasure Craft”. There are sections on rowing shells.
The basic safety equipment requirements for when a “rowing shell is not attended by a safety craft” are:
- a personal flotation device or lifejacket of an appropriate size for each person on board;
- a sound-signalling device; and
- a watertight flashlight, if the [rowing shell] is operated after sunset or before sunrise or in periods of restricted visibility.
- Always confirm the requirements in your area before setting off.
Useful Links
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
OARCA’s safety documents are available on our documents webpage under the Safety header.
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
Under Development
We have plans to provide a lot more detail on various aspects of coastal rowing. The following content will be available to website members only once we get it together. Content to come.
Online Learning
- Webinars
- Staying Safe
- Touring
- Equipment – Buy and sell listings
Rower Development
- Overview
- Development Guide
- Training Advice
- RCA Rowing Technique
- Rower to row contact – Social networking