The Cadborosaurus Coastal Endurance Regatta is coming! We are in desperate need of volunteers. You can both volunteer AND race if you like. We’ll make sure it can happen. Volunteer at: . If you want to race and volunteer (fantastic!) contact us (see “Contact Us” page) and will put you in touch with Michelle.

Note, all racing participants MUST be active members of Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA). If you aren’t a member but still want to race, we have a special regatta program membership with OARCA that will let you join RCA and RowingBC. Your RCA and RowingBC membership is good until the end of March, 2025, so you’ll be able to compete in other regattas until then without these extra fees. Check out the “Cadborosaurus Regatta Participant” program at:

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We're likely out rowing, but you can send us an email and we promise to get back to you.


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